Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Worst ever

This is the worst music video ever. I know this for a fact because when I went to you tube and typed in worst music video ever,and this is what came up with.The reason that I think this video is my least favorite ever is because it doesn't make any sense to me.

These silly swedish singers are dancing around in like the 70s with cardboard cut-out disco balls. Also there are like 15 back up dancers all in red flares and white sweaters. None of whom can dance to save their lives, all of which dance to their own tempo. In the background are some sweet "stars". For what reason, no one knows. What we do know is that he wants to love her tender.

This brings me to my next point. The delicious, or as I like to say ridiculous lyrics of this video. Not only does the english not make any sense as far as sentence structure goes, but they also just repeat the same thing like seventeen different times. I appreciate so much the somewhat entertaining music videos of today bring thanks to technology. Unfortunatly I also believe that without technology, most of the videos would be just as bad as this Danish suprise.

Possibly the most ridiculous moment of this three minuet indent of my life was the ending where they drive off in a car, a Grease like fashion, except instead of driving into the sunset they drive off into outer space as the weird clone like dancers wave goodbye and twirl about the screen for a few more moments.


ENG 001: Language & Writing said...

i personally thought it was amazing..
and i bet the white sweatered dude at the front of that boogie line thought was his sure-fire ticket to stardom!
just look at his face..he is taking it seriously

Kate said...

Comment for Cara Olson:
I also agree with youtube that this is the worst video ever. I really don’t understand the weird dancers with their red bell-bottomed pants and white sweaters. They did some type of super weird choreographed dance, and then it looked like a few cheerleading moves were thrown in there. I’m really confused about where they are and how that would have any significance to the video. It looks like they are in a gazebo in outer space. The lead singers are super creepy, and always standing or looking sideways. I really didn’t appreciate the man’s ensemble. He unbuttoned his shirt way too far exposing a lot of chest and chest hair. Not attractive. This video also incorporates a flying car, which is very interesting and surprising. The lyrics are really creepy, “love me tender” and “I want you.” It just makes me think that he is some sort of stalker.

Kate Nootz

Ian said...

The funny thing about this is that I did the same thing you did and searched on youtube for the worst music video and I almost picked this one. But then I decided that this video didn’t make enough sense. I couldn’t understand what was going on half the time so I didn’t really know what to write about. So I decided to skip it. It was just a little bit too crazy for me. I definitely think that this is a really awful music video and it unquestionably belongs here as one of the worst music videos I’ve ever seen.

Meghan Koehn said...

So...I definatly did not think this was the worst video ever. It is a little strnge at some points. Such as I don't understand the white and red outfits and the dancing. But it is so strange that it is almost cool. It was really intertaning to watch and it caught my attentiion for the entire time. My favorite part was the part where they held their hands out at different angles. That was pretty cool,